Kitchen Design

Reform Kitchen Basis Ordinances

We all love to eat also drink and we also love being safe, but there’s a problem when it comes to food safety: the reform kitchen basis ordinances that govern how often restaurants must be inspected by health officials. These laws are outdated, and they make operating a food business much harder than it needs to be. What if there were an easier way?

Why Do We Need To Reform Kitchen Basis Ordinances?

  • The problem is that most existing reform kitchen basis ordinances are outdated and have not kept up with the current food safety standards.
  • The solution is to reform those outdated laws to reflect current standards, which will help ensure that the food you buy in your community is safe for you and your family to eat.
  • This will benefit everyone in three ways: First, it will strengthen public health by reducing outbreaks of foodborne illness; second, it will boost economic development by making it easier for restaurants and other food businesses to open in cities across America; third (and most importantly), this reform would allow local governments more flexibility when crafting their own policies related specifically toward small businesses like yours!

Reduce The Number Of Inspections

The number of inspections a food business must undergo is determined by the type of food it produces, how many people it serves, and its risk for contamination. The more complex your operation, the more often you’ll need an inspection and if you’re serving anything more than 100 people at once (like a banquet hall), then every month counts as one “high-risk” inspection.

The current system requires that all restaurants be inspected twice per year: once during the summer when they’re busy with tourists and again in winter when they’re not so busy but still open for business. That means some places get four visits per year while others may only receive two or three depending on their location within city limits and whether or not they’re open year-round.

Increase The Inspection Frequency

In many cities, the frequency of restaurant inspections is only once per year. This is not enough to ensure food safety and prevent problems like contaminated food or unsanitary conditions from occurring. Restaurants should be inspected at least twice per year in order for inspectors to catch any issues early on before they become more serious and harder to address later on.

This Would Make Operating A Food Business Much Easier.

One of the most important things to consider when drafting a local ordinance is how it will affect your food businesses. A lot of time and money goes into creating an operating plan for a new business, and this can be especially true if you’re opening up in an area where there are already many other food establishments nearby.

With that being said, one of the biggest benefits of reforming kitchen basis ordinances is that it will reduce the number of inspections required from all types of restaurants, fast-food chains, and other food service providers. This means that there will be fewer opportunities for an inspector to shut down your kitchen due to violations like improper storage temperatures or lack of hand washing facilities. Additionally, because there are fewer chances for failure during each inspection period (which usually lasts around two weeks), inspectors may also become more lenient when looking at minor infractions such as missing light bulbs or minor damage caused by rats or mice!

In addition to making life easier for operators who want licenses but cannot afford them right now due to their high cost ($20k-$60k), reforming these laws could also help attract new businesses into town since they won’t feel so intimidated by strict regulations before opening up shop.”


The bottom line is that the current reform kitchen basis ordinance regulations are outdated and need to be updated. We believe that these changes will make operating a food business much easier, which will in turn help create more jobs for residents of New York City.